author : Zane
Where to begin--- conception? Nah, not only is that a little too far back, but perhaps also a wee bit of overshare. First impressions are the most lasting, so let's keep this simple. Zane Cray is, or was, until recently, a disgruntled mailman who thought writing a book loosely mirroring his journey through 19 years of service would be cathartic. Was it? Hell no! Almost two decades of working (and I use the term loosely here) for the post office simply cannot be expressed in only one book, there's far too much fodder!\n Sure, there might be an embellishment or fifty in his debut novel; this is a work of fiction, after all. But at the heart of it all is one man's loathing for who and what he thought he was becoming at the hands of truly incompetent management and a system that is broken beyond repair. Driven to the brink of madness and spiraling into the ever-tightening coils of hopelessness and despair, Zane quit his job shortly after writing El Cartero: Noob for Life! and decided that the story is far from over. Currently he is living in Florida with his wife, child, and cat, penning El Cartero: Noobpocalypse! the second book in the Chronicles of TripleSquishyMadness. The madness continues, occasionally broken by long stretches of online computer gaming and reading. You can follow the further exploits of Zane on Facebook @authorzanecray, and Goodreads; this little nugget of literary nonsense can be purchased on,, and soon on Google Play.
Zane Book Series
Jessika Klide
Honey Flava
Zane's Everything Fades Away
Shattering the Myth
Christie Ridgway
Breaking the Cycle
Head Bangers
Caramel Flava
Zane's Busy Bodies: Chocolate Flava 4
Another Time, Another Place
Zane's Z-Rated: Chocolate Flava 3
Total Eclipse of the Heart
The Sex Chronicles
Afterburn: a novel
Shame on It All
The Sisters of APF
Zane's Nervous
Chocolate Flava
Gettin' Buck Wild: Sex Chronicles II
Zane's Addicted with a Twist
Purple Panties
Zane's the Heat Seekers
Zane's the Other Side of the Pillow